Texas Pesticide License

Texas Pesticide License
Pest Control Courses® is approved to offer online Texas Pesticide License recertification courses. Renewing a Texas Pesticide License requires the completion of a predetermined amount of professional development training. The amount of this training required varies based on an applicator’s license type – agricultural or structural, commercial, noncommercial or private applicator. Continuing education credits are a means of insuring professional growth and development. At Pest Control Courses®, we offer continuing education credit (CEU) packages that satisfy Texas’ training requirements for pesticide applicator license renewal
Private Applicators
To renew a Texas applicators license for private applicators requires the completion of fifteen continuing education credits prior to renewal. Two credits of studying laws and regulations, and another two covering integrated pest management are required. Of the fifteen total credits, ten can be completed online. Pest Control Courses offers a 10 CEU course specifically for private applicators in Texas.
Agricultural Commercial and NonCommercial Applicators
For both commercial and noncommercial agricultural applicators, a Texas applicators license renewal requires only five continuing education credits. A minimum of two credits should cover either integrated pest management, laws and regulations, or drift minimization. The 5 CEU course at Pest Control Courses covers these required courses and more. Learn about Texas laws and regulations, pesticide safety and formulation, emergency spills and misapplications, as well as nonchemical pest control techniques. However, keep in mind that agricultural applicators may only earn renewal for their Texas applicators license online once every two years.
Structural Technicians
We also offer an 8 CEU course for structural technicians who are renewing their Texas structural technician licenses. These credits must be completed during the calendar year (January 1 – December 31) prior to the date of license renewal. In the state of Texas, online courses are allowed for recertifying a technician license. Technicians will receive hour for hour credit if they take an approved CEU course.
Pest Control Courses is a superior resource for earning CEUs to recertify a Texas applicators license. With easy registration, instant certification and even a money back guarantee, there’s no reason to look anywhere else.